Song of Life 11


Healing in winter

Naomi helped Sarabek dye the wool for her special projects and encouraged her daughter to think about a special shawl for herself, so it would be ready when the time came. Sarabek agreed and thought long and hard. In the end, her Mimi’s favorite color was hers too; it complimented her dark hair and sparkling eyes, so when the other shawls were completed, she started on her own. Her hands fairly flew along. There was an urgency to her work she had not experienced before, almost as if something was in the future that would hinder her from completing the shawl. By midwinter, she made time to complete it and then set about working on new weavings for her family and for women in the village who bartered for her beautiful work.

Sarabek’s bruised heart began to heal and her trust in the God who led her family grew as she watched Yacob and Mary grow in happiness. Little Samuel was a delight to everyone and played with his Aunt Sarabek anytime he had the opportunity.

As spring approached, the tailor decided that his son was doing so well that he and Ruth could marry a little early. Like other weddings, the village gathered at the tailor’s home and celebrated. Sarabek and Judith accompanied Ruth as her friends to the ceremony. Ruth looked beautiful in her shawl and Sarabek and Judith were so happy for their friend. Judith had told her friends that her betrothal would be announced within the month and they all rejoiced at what the future held. Sarabek assured her friends that she was trusting God to bring her to her husband as He had them. She kept her Mimi’s prophecy to herself; remaining a humble servant to others was important in Sarabek’s family. She trusted that the future would unfold as God intended.

After Ruth’s wedding, Sarabek’s routine continued. She enjoyed her weaving and working with her mother in their home. The countryside showed the signs of early spring and she joined her father and brothers in the vineyard the day after worship to help weave the early tendrils into their places. As they were working, a group of men from the city came up the track that led to the mountain pass. Her father John went to the gate to greet them, thinking they would be going on but might need refreshment. To his surprise, the men indicated he was the one they needed to see. He invited them in and told Sarabek to run ahead and tell her mother to lay out fresh bread and wine. Naomi had just finished making bread and the women were glad to be able to offer their home’s best to the strangers.

Next: News from the city

Note: Postings of the Song of Life will become more frequent. I believe God wanted me to begin publishing this as I was completing the work and now it is finished! Please like on Facebook and other social media so many people will get to read this work. Writing it has been a blessing to me and I believe reading it will bless everyone who does. When it is completely published, I’ll be offering a digital and printed version for sale. It would make a great gift!. Thanks. Peg

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