Song of Life 10


Autumn’s cold wind

Autumn was approaching and Sarabek finished the beautiful blue shawl she had made for Ruben’s mother. She hoped to hear from him that he would return for her, that he would speak to her father. Word reached the family that the herds would leave the day before worship. Sarabek arose early and had the shawl near to hand. When the first of the herds began to come down the trek, she and her family went to the gate to say goodbye. They greeted each shepherd as they passed, giving them bread and wine for the journey. Her father and the eldest shepherd embraced; they had become fast friends.

When Ruben reached the gate, he shook hands with her father and brothers and thanked her mother for her hospitality for the shepherds. Sarabek handed him the completed shawl and he gave her more combed wool in exchange. He thanked her and said he did not know when he would be back as the herds would go to another valley the next year. He wished Sarabek and her family well and was gone with the other shepherds and their flock. Sarabek’s heart plummeted. She watched him until Ruben was out of sight, hoping against hope he would run back and tell her he loved her. The words she had hoped to hear were not spoken. As he passed from her view, the coming winter seemed bleak ahead of her.

The autumn harvest went forward and was again a blessed year. The olive grove gave promise of the first fruit in just a few short years. Her father’s cousin had stopped to visit on his way to the city and was amazed at how much the trees had grown in just one year. He said the site was even better than he had realized and predicted a true harvest in just 3 years, a whole year earlier than expected. The men all rejoiced and gave thanks, as having two different family crops would soon provide more than enough. John and Naomi’s generosity had been passed on to their children and they all looked forward to being able to bless others as they were blessed.

Sarabek rejoiced with her family. She struggled some days with her heart, knowing that Ruben was gone and that she might never see him again. One morning after chores were complete and before time to prepare the noon meal, she talked with her mother about the summer and how her heart had been awakened by the young shepherd. Naomi hugged her and she comforted Sarabek with the understanding that each young woman might meet more than one young man before the right one came for her. She told Sarabek that while she and her father had liked Ruben very much, he might not be the one for their daughter. She reminded Sarabek that she and her father prayed for each of their children for the ones they would marry and encouraged her to look at Yacob and Mary as an answer to those prayers. Naomi said that God always answered what was best and that they needed to trust His all-knowing ways. She also spoke of Mimi’s vision for Sarabek and said she believed it was from God. Sarabek found her mother’s counsel to be wise and comforting. She thought of her Mimi often that winter and set about weaving the shawls for her friends as promised. Ruth’s betrothal had been announced and at the last worship gathering, Judith’s family and the family of the goatherd had left together for a meal. Sarabek felt her official engagement was not far off.

Next: Healing in winter

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