Song of Life 8


Summer’s promise

Sarabek started the new shawl the next morning after finishing her house chores. She first talked to her mother, telling her of the shepherd’s request and her mother readily agreed. The first job was to dye the wool she would use. The wool combed from the sheep was already clean. She used indigo to make the blue she had made for her mother and her new sister for her wedding. It had been her grandmother’s favorite color and she happily remembered Mimi as she worked. After the wool steeped in the color, it would be dried and spun into the thread used to weave. Working on the shawl would be part of her daily tasks. Sarabek’s day included working with her mother in the house, in the vineyard with her father and brothers when they needed her, and her weaving. Her life was full and happy but as she went about her chores, Ruben’s face intruded on her thoughts and his voice filled her mind. Sarabek had not met anyone in the village who had sparked her interest as the young shepherd did.

It seemed everyone in the family was busy all the time these days. The work in the vineyard and the new olive grove kept the men busy and the women worked in the house, with Yacob’s wife Mary, Sarabek’s mother and Sarabek working together on larger projects. Some days, Mary needed extra help; the ups and downs of pregnancy meant she couldn’t always get everything done and Naomi and Sarabek were glad to help when she needed them.

Sarabek also had her weaving. She worked on the shawl for the young shepherd’s mother daily, first spinning the blue thread and then setting up her hand loom and weaving. She was doing the shawl in two pieces so it would be wide and full and serve as a cold weather garment as well as a decorative garment. She only saw Ruben when he came to the village for worship in his turn. Each time, they spoke and she assured him that the shawl for his mother would be done before summer’s end. The shepherds walked with her family to worship and Ruben always walked her from her home to worship and back again. They spoke about her family and village. He said his family lived in the city where his father was a government official. He talked mostly of his mother and siblings and said he missed them each time he left on travels to help his father with his duties. He said he would soon join his father in his work. Their conversations reinforced Sarabek’s impression of him as a man of strength, courage and wisdom. The handsome face and deep voice that had attracted her from the beginning became less important as she realized he was a man like her father, a leader of others and her heart melted each time she saw him and heard his voice. It seemed he was taken with her as well, since he sought her out each time he came to the village.

Next: New family member arrives

4 Replies to “Song of Life 8”

  1. Tried commenting. Did ‘t show up. Trying again. I love the story. Read them all at once. Can’t wait for the next Installment. Good job sis. Love you.

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