Song of Life – 2

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Merry Christmas! I am happy to continue the Song of Life. May you be blessed on the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Messiah.

Part 2: Sarabek in the vineyard

The summer Sarabek was 10 years old, her father said she could help her oldest brother in the part of the vineyard nearest the house every morning before helping her mother. The next day, she went out with Yacob and he showed her how the vines were beginning to put out new growth for this season after the cutting. He showed her how the new tendrils were woven in the lattice to grow apart and produce more fruit. She learned quickly and he saw her hand-weaving skill was of great help. Her smaller hands did the task faster than his large ones and he told their father that night that Sarabek was a big help to him. Her father’s smile was the only reward Sarabek needed. Sarabek’s day became even more full of activity. Each morning she helped Yacob in the vineyard and then her mother in the kitchen garden. After the midday meal and rest, she and her grandmother wove together—belts and scarves and other useful items for their home, and always she and her mother cooked and cleaned and washed laundry. She and her youngest brother, Isaac, would climb the tree outside the front door to see the sunset when there was time, even just a few minutes. Her family was happy and growing together and the love grew in her heart for them all.

When her Mimi died peacefully in her sleep, everyone shed tears and missed her, but were comforted knowing they would all be together again.

Sarabek took on new chores now that her grandmother was gone. She became the primary weaver for her family, using her grandmother’s largest hand loom now that she had grown into it. At almost 14, she spent more time helping her mother but still had time with her brothers in the vineyard when there were jobs her smaller hands could do best. No longer a little girl, her brothers teased her as she grew toward womanhood. But when she was in the vineyard, they were all on guard, watching the nearby path that led from the mountain pass to the city.

Next: Planning for a wedding

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