Don’t believe the lie!

God said last night through my pastor to not believe the lie. I didn’t see how it pertained to me when I heard the message at church, but this morning God dropped it into my spirit.

I believed that I am disqualified because of my physical limitations. They are not permanent and are improving daily but God said today that I had believed the lie that they would keep me from fulfilling part of His call on my life.

I love my pastor’s life message which in part encourages us that God has a destiny for each of His people and no one and nothing can keep you from that destiny. We each just need grace to trust that His plan and His ways will get us to where we need to be at the right time with the right people and circumstances.

So today I come face to face again with the fact that although I am being perfected and am not perfect, God still wants to use me to fulfill the call on my life. Part of that call is choose joy each day, to be a vessel of peace and love everywhere I go, and to be open to sharing that peace and love with everyone I meet. It is peace and joy that are the hallmarks of my soul that make me different in the world. They are a daily choice and spending time with God every day in the Cleft for Life helps me to choose the attitude that exudes peace and joy with every breath I take.

Lately it has been more difficult to choose peace and love, particularly at work, but also in my personal life. Recent changes at work result in a more stressful day with more to be accomplished than can be completed and the knowledge we will leave work for others to finish. In my personal life, we have entered the season where being single is particularly less desirable. It starts with Thanksgiving and continues through Valentine’s Day if I let it. I am joyful with sharing holidays and birthdays with my family but sharing with one special person is missing and I have not yet succeeded in totally removing the sense of loss that came with divorce.

Last night at our team meeting, God gave me a vision for someone else that confirmed something she had been told before. She needs His help to move forward and I believe she will now. I am always encouraged when God uses me to help someone else; His gifts of words are part of who He made me to be and I want to be used whenever He wants to help others.

So once more, I choose to be His tool in the lives of others and choose to believe that my imperfections are not obstacles for Him – indeed, in the long run He will use my problems to give me wisdom for others.

Have you disqualified yourself from part of your destiny? Go to your Cleft for Life and ask God to show you the truth – that He is able to use you because you are not yet perfected not in spite of it.

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