Learned a lesson

I learned what could have been a dangerous lesson on Thanksgiving and God protected me. I have always tried to be very careful about food handling. A friend’s son-in-law years ago passed on wisdom about how long cooked food can remain unrefrigerated and still be safe. That one I learned when I left potato salad out too long once. I tasted it before taking it to a party and it was a good thing I did. I was sick for 12 hours but before anyone else ate it, thank God.

This time it was only me too but I believe God has kept me from real danger. The turkey parts I bought Sunday for cooking today went bad and I didn’t realize it until I took a bite. I stopped immediately and trashed the rest. I should have realized because the smell was a little off but I really thought it was just because the meat was from a different store.

This sets me thinking and wondering how many times God protects me from harm and I never know it. I have been warned to change a travel route when driving without knowing why. Recently, I was instructed to not join an event because the location was suspect.

But I am thinking that He regularly watches over me and speeds up or delays me in my travels to keep me safe. His word says God is good and His mercies are new every morning. Today I am grateful and thankful for His continued protection.

Do you have a story to tell about a time God protected you? Please share and encourage others who may need the still small voice to protect them as well.

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