Miracles from an unexpected direction

A friend has told me for years that when you look for God to do something one way, He often does it but from an unexpected direction. That is what is happening to me this week.

Since late spring, I have had problems with my left knee due to a series of missteps trying to avoid some furry four-legged grandchildren who are living with me for now. All three of them think it is okay to plant themselves near my feet and we have all suffered because of it.

Almost two weeks ago, I was trying to wrestle a grandson back to bed and strained my back. Several days later, I had muscle cramps in one leg that caused me to get up too fast and strained my back again in the same place. Despite great massage treatment, I suffered with stiffness and pain until I saw my wonderful doctor and he treated me with manipulation and medication. My back is much improved.

As it turns out, the medication was what my knee needed. It is improving daily and I have much less pain and stiffness.

Once again, I am learning that God’s ways are best and His thoughts are above my thoughts. I was looking for a miraculous, instantaneous healing of my knee. Instead, pain drove me to healing of both back and knee. He truly uses everything available to Him at the right time and the right way. I am more hopeful that the unfulfilled dreams in my life will become reality: Restoration of health and fitness, making my writing and teaching my calling, having all I need to make my home a place of peace and healing for others, and having a life partner who shares my vision of the worship of God as a couple.

Are you looking for a dream to be fulfilled? Like me, you may need to allow God to accomplish His purpose in an unexpected way.

2 Replies to “Miracles from an unexpected direction”

  1. Absolutely beautiful. I am transitioning to where I believe God is sending me. In the midst of the transition, I am leaning totally on God.
    Your writing is so inspirational. May God continue to speak to and through you.

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