Seeing the future through Jewish feasts

Autumn is my favorite season. I was born in late September and in Ohio where I grew up, the fall colors are spectacular and a delight to gaze upon. I remember cresting a hill near our home in Southeast Ohio and seeing a small valley clothed in every autumn color. The scene took my breath away every time I saw it.

Fall is also the season when the Jewish new year begins and the feasts are observed that are not yet fulfilled. It also marks the end of one year and the new year on the Hebrew calendar. Paul instructed us that looking back would help us see forward by learning from scripture and the feasts that God ordained.

2 Tim 3:16-17 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof {and} conviction of sin, for correction of error {and} discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action),

So that the man of God may be complete {and} proficient, well fitted {and} thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Jesus fulfilled Passover with His death and resurrection. Pentecost was completed with the coming of the Holy Spirit to the church. As I read the scriptures about the feasts in the Old Testament, my understanding of what happened and what is to come is enlarged.

This year, the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah was September 25 and 26 followed by the Day of Atonement October 4 and then the Feast of Tabernacles October 8-15. I have always wanted to spend this time in Israel and one day, I know I will. Each year, I am excited to think about celebrating and anticipating that Jesus will return and set up His kingdom here on earth. The life of the Holy Spirit in each believer is wondrous and a promise of what is to come. I love to think about seeing Him face to face whether when I leave this life or He returns. Our heavenly Father knows when that will be but we know fulfilling the feasts is part of His plan and I believe one day we’ll all celebrate the return of our Lord and Savior when the trumpets sound.

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