Blessed by my mother’s life

Saturday my mother will be 90 years old. This morning, I have been reflecting not on her age but what makes her special to me as a person as well as my mother.

My mother is an unusual person in that she has learned very well how to stay out of other people’s business. She never gives advice unless asked and then only if she thinks the person will truly hear her. As a result, she is not only a great mother but an awesome mother-in-law. I hope I am learning from her example.

My mother is kind. She does not avoid conflict as much as she avoids wounding others. She is able to confront others but only does it when truly necessary. Her attitude keeps her in peace unless action is really needed and even then, it is done with kindness.

My mother understands what is essential. When she had trouble with her cell phone battery because she charged it too often, she just got rid of the cell phone. You have to catch her in her apartment to reach her or leave a message and that’s fine with her. She grew up when phones were luxuries and you always communicated by mail over long distances. Being available 24/7 just isn’t important to her.

My mother loves unconditionally. You don’t have to do anything for her to be loved; she just gives love because she chooses to do so. She is always appreciative of what others do for her or give to her. I have a phone message that I may save until the 12th of never after I sent her flowers for her birthday one year. The delight in her voice always delights my heart.

Most of all, my mother is a happy person. She chooses to enjoy each day of her life, even the less pleasant ones, and gives away smiles as if they cost her nothing.

Mother would be the first to tell you she is not perfect but after years of knowing her as an adult, I can truly say that her faults have stemmed from the naiveté from her sheltered youth and from her unwillingness to wound others. She will cover the sins of others with grace and love and let God expose them in His time. Being right all the time is a luxury she cannot afford.

Have a great birthday, Mother. I’ll hug you from afar and rejoice God gave me to you as your firstborn.

4 Replies to “Blessed by my mother’s life”

    • Thanks Arlene. Hoping to catch her ‘in’ sometime this week before her birthday. Would like a trip to Columbus for the autumn colors and to see her but not just now. Have a great week and I’ll see you Saturday!

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