Nice and peace

You’ve heard the phrase “peace and quiet” haven’t you? Our family altered it years ago. When my younger son was 3-4 years old and he, his brother and I would leave the house, he would tell his father to “enjoy your nice and peace.” He knew his dad enjoyed having time to himself without the noise that went with 2 young boys, 2 cats and 2 dogs. When the little guys were gone, the animals tended to take naps and be quiet so peace tended to reign.

I’m having a bit of ‘nice and peace’ this week. The family members who live with me are out of town and took the dog with them, so it’s only the cats. Although they let me know when the food bowl is empty, mostly quiet reigns in my home. I am enjoying my ‘nice and peace.’

I have been reminded though that peace is from the inside, from Jesus who promised He would give us a peace that passes all understanding. It is peace that has kept me calm through times of testing and times of struggle. Agitating passions can tend to erupt in my soul but that peace can guide me into a place of calm and the emotions that would destroy my self control and patience are brought into submission. I’ve learned to not trust feelings; I have found them to be untrustworthy and changing with circumstances. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is more trustworthy because it comes from God and not me.

Do you need some ‘nice and peace’ today? Find it by going to your Cleft for Life; take time to meet with God and breathe in all the attributes He brings to your relationship. Exchange your struggle, irritation, impatience and frustration for the peace that passes all understanding. His promises can give us joy for mourning.

Have you met with Him today?

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