Encouragement…pass it on

I received a blessing one morning this week. As I was headed into work, a gentleman was having difficulty finding the right set of elevators for an appointment. He was trying not to be late. His destination was on my way so I invited him to walk with me and I would point him in the right direction. We ended up riding up in the same elevator. He was profusely appreciative and asked if he could buy me lunch after his appointment. I said it would be delightful if I had the time, but I was on my way into work.

That brief encounter made my day. It reminded me that while being kind and helpful is its own reward, expressing appreciation and encouragement in a tangible way is a blessing to others.

My job in the kingdom of God is to encourage others, and I do it all the time. But this man showed me that sometimes I need to do more than just speak words; I need to find a way to bless someone who has done well with more. I need ideas though and I’m asking God today to make me aware of how I might do that. I know He will be faithful to give me instructions.

I know too that those of us who give encouragement also need that gift. My well does not run dry but it sometimes runs low. Today, it’s overflowing because someone filled it.

What tangible ways can we bless others with encouragement?

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