Waiting again

Waiting has never been my strong suit. Right now, there are a number of things I’m waiting for from God and it seems His schedule is not the one I’d hoped to see happen. I am better than I used to be. I used to have animated discussions on my part, telling God that He had to do something about what was nagging at me immediately. What I’ve learned is that He lets me wait for a reason. Sometimes it’s for others, but mostly it’s because I asked long ago to become a mature believer, able to eat meat and not just drink milk.

James 1:4 But let endurance {and} steadfastness {and} patience have full play {and} do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. AMP

So now I am waiting again, not always happy about it, but as in other times more recently, I know there is a purpose to the waiting and enduring and being steadfast WITH patience rather than without it. My belief in God’s faithfulness is strengthened each time I go through one of these trials so that I learn the truth of this scripture:

Ps 31:15 My times are in Your hands… AMP

The psalmist asks for deliverance from his enemies and persecutors but he understands that freedom comes at the best time from God. That’s what I’m learning now more completely. I need to be certain that God’s timing for all things is perfect. My personality wants it done yesterday and the fleshly side of me needs to be subjected to my spirit instead of my soul doing a rant.

What are you waiting for patiently today?

QuickBible Amplified Copyright (c) 2000 by
The Lockman Foundation

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