I know I have friends who pray

I am blessed to have family and friends who are faithful to pray for me. This weekend has been an example of that. Friday morning, I woke up with what I thought was a vertigo attack that turned into either food poisoning or a GI virus that I picked up at work, as no one in my family has been ill. I was in bed all day long with gastrointestinal symptoms that incapacitated me, having trouble even keeping down mouthfuls of water.

I told my son and he and his wife prayed. I texted friends who are believers and prayer warriors and I know they prayed. It has not been a fun weekend and I’ve had to rest most of it but their prayers have been effective. I should be able to go to work Monday as usual.

Having been separated in 1998 and then divorced in 2001, I am used to doing things for myself but prayer is not one of them. I learned many, many years ago to ask for prayer when it’s needed, especially when I’m incapacitated physically or emotionally. It’s like when Moses could no longer hold up his arms to wage war in the spirit realm so the Israelites would win on the battlefield. His friends had him sit on a rock and they held up his arms until the battle was won. My believing family and friends have been faithful to do the same for me, holding me up in prayer when I was too weak to pray for anything but mercy.

Thank you all for your support this weekend. I needed you and you were faithful.

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