Friendships that last

I am very blessed to have friendships that have survived over time. I spent Easter afternoon with friends from not so long ago but it was like we’d never been apart. EVERYTHING was the same…I took the same contraband candy, we ate the same delicious food as every Easter and the conversation was humorous, serious and silly by turn. The changes were ages, hair color and length, and the addition of younger ones.

I’ve discovered over the years that it’s always the same with friends who are believers. There is no starting from square one; you only have to catch up on the news. Sharing Jesus Christ as the foundation for your lives makes all things the same even when circumstances are not.

It is very much akin to friendships with family members. When your relationships are healthy, the past is remembered without rancor and the perspective of time and experience often changes the cast of memory. Events that may have been painful are seen in a new light.

When I became a parent, had to make a budget work, and was responsible for my children’s behavior, I appreciated my mother’s decision-making more completely. I realized that when ‘no’ had to be the answer, it was because she was protecting me from the possible outcomes that she knew were dangerous in ways I could only imagine. One example was when some of our high school senior class organized a picnic at one family’s lake house and invited everyone; it was not school-sponsored and I was not allowed to attend. Much later, I recognized my mother’s wisdom in talking with our class counselor before making the decision I could not go.

Our family is gathering this summer to celebrate her 90th year. I look forward to renewing my friendships with family face to face, just like I did at Easter with friends from another church. I plan to try to not miss so many Easter dinners; the stuffed eggs alone are worth the effort.

4 Replies to “Friendships that last”

  1. It was such a pleasant surprise to see you pull up just as dinner was getting ready to go on the table:) And I inhaled everyone of the peanut butter eggs the moment you left.

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