My house has been invaded

And I’m very happy about it. My older son and his entire family including a Labrador retriever and 2 cats have moved in with me temporarily. Their new-to-them home isn’t available yet so they need a place to stay without a long-term lease.

It’s been very different for me. I’ve lived alone permanently since I had a young friend live at my home for 2 years before she married in 2011. It seems like yesterday that she was packing to leave. Before that, my sons both married in 2008 and only one had still been with me briefly as he courted his wife. Since then, I’ve established a consistent lifestyle of family, friends, church and work with lots of private quiet time.

Now my quiet time is very different. Sometimes it’s snuggling with my youngest grandson early in the morning. Sometimes it’s in the truck. This weekend, there has been a lot of quiet because my family has been working at their former home to complete moving tasks.

I’ve written about my commitment to God to spend time with Him and that won’t change. The form and location may change but one thing remains, as the song says, His love never gives up on me and because of it, I will forever pursue my relationship with God with passion and perseverance. It is the one certainty in my life that will endure.

I cannot imagine a life without time with my Creator, my Father, my Savior, my Lord, my Comforter, my Counselor, and all the other things God is to me. His faithfulness sparks my commitment to seek His face daily without fail. Even in the darkest moments since I’ve known Him, there has been grace to look beyond the hills to where my help comes from.

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