Impending change – threat or blessing?

Circumstances in my family’s life mean that great change is at the door. I have a choice about how I view what’s coming as to whether it is a threat or a blessing.

My older son’s family is moving almost immediately; not far away but the situation will be dramatically different than it is now. Two options are possible and both mean change for me as well.

What my pastor was saying this weekend was that how we view our circumstances makes all the difference. Our attitude determines what happens because what we think is what we are. Proverbs 23 is a series of instructions about right choices, including what we think, and how those choices affect our lives.

Eph 4:23 And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]…(AMP).

This scripture was one our pastor referred to this weekend, encouraging us to choose joy and happiness every day. I learned long ago that how I feel is a choice. A negative feeling may rise up but I always have the choice to refuse to let it rule my thoughts. I can choose to see each day as a blessing and to choose happiness in who I am in God no matter what the day brings.

So today I’m determining that this coming change in my family’s circumstances will be like every day. I will choose to see it as a blessing and not a threat. I will choose to enjoy this new season no matter which option is what God wants because He has proved over the years that what He wants is best.

Do you choose each day to have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude?


QuickBible Amplified Copyright (c) 2000 by The Lockman Foundation

2 Replies to “Impending change – threat or blessing?”

  1. I may fight discouragement now and then, but I choose to face the future with optimism. Why not start out on good footing as opposed to the alternative. Besides, his way is the perfect way. Why would I want le ss than perfection?

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