Reminded of prayer’s effectiveness

I have learned over the years that good habits are worth cultivating. One example is my habit of meeting with God early in the day, every day. But by nature, I love new things and change and late last week, I sat down in my cleft for life restless and wanting something new.

Instead, God reminded me of something I used to do every day. If you start with the psalm with the same number as the date and add 30, reading all of those each day, you read the entire Book of Psalms in a month, minus Psalm 119 which is saved for day 31. For example, day 1, you read Psalms 1, 31, 61, 91 and 121.

So I opened my Amplified Bible to Psalm 6 and began reading. There it was, verse 9:

Ps 6:9 The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord receives my prayer.

And I went on to Psalm 36 and then Psalm 66. And there it was again:

Ps 66:19 But certainly God has heard me; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer. 20 Blessed be God, Who has not rejected my prayer nor removed His mercy {and} loving-kindness from being [as it always is] with me.

I didn’t need to go further. God was reminding me that He hears me and that our time together every day is as important to Him as it is to me. While belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is now the foundation of my life with Him, it’s my prayer and reading time that sustains our relationship from my side. It changes me, profoundly at times and simply at others; but it always reminds me of who I am in Jesus, whose I am and who truly loves me. Newness is important to me but not as important and remembering where my hope and help come from, not from the hills but from beyond.

QuickBible Amplified Copyright (c) 2000 by The Lockman Foundation

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