My times are in God’s hands

Ps 31:15a  My times are in Your hands…(AMP)

I got such wonderful encouragement this weekend to believe the depth of this scripture. Friday morning, I awoke to the revelation that it was the last day of February and a friend was coming to stay on Saturday on his way through town to go to a meeting in another city. I had not prepared in any way; I had not realized it was this weekend. I failed to set up my calendar reminder well in advance.

I normally babysit for my son and daughter-in-love on Friday evenings and knew I would not cancel on them. However, early in the morning my daughter sent me text saying that they wouldn’t be going out, that they had another event with the children.

God knew I would forget my friend and son of my heart coming. God knew I would need Friday evening to unwind without responsibilities. He planned in advance for my slipup in reminding myself. I really could have managed without the break Friday night. I would have been more stressed but it would have been okay. But my Heavenly Father knew I would need to rest Friday evening and provided the time.

The result was I had a great time with my young friend, we went to my son and daughter-in-love’s home for breakfast on Sunday and parted with hugs and love.

If God cared so much about my needing rest to do this simple thing, I realize how much more He cares about what seem to be giant mountains I face. He’s already planned for what I need when I need it. I can rest today in what He will do tomorrow and throughout the week and indeed my whole life.

Do you need to rest in God’s provision for things big or small? Spend time with Him daily and let Him unfold his loving blessings on your life.

QuickBible Amplified Copyright (c) 2000 by The Lockman Foundation

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