Finally feeling better

It hit in mid January, returned 2 weeks later and was complicated by other things. I have been struggling to be well for a month and I am so grateful that I’m healthy enough to sit down at the computer and write again.

I hate being sick. I hate when I can’t go to sleep because of feeling I’ll have trouble breathing. I hate coughing so deeply that my whole body hurts.

I love being well enough to spend time with my family. I love going to church again and being with my prayer team, praying for people who need God’s touch.

Valentine’s Day was special. My date was with all 4 of my grandchildren. They enjoyed what I took to them and we all had a nice time. I love them so much; they make things look brighter.

I got a new person to pray for at church, someone who has needs similar to mine. I need to be faithful in my prayer for them, remembering to lift them up as friends do for me.

So I’m back writing. Nothing earth shattering but it’s good to be at a keyboard for something other than work and especially good to be doing what I love, writing about what God has done in me.

His faithfulness trumps all.

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