How could I forget?

It shouldn’t be a hard thing to remember. It’s a simple but powerful spiritual tool. But with the time constraints with working, I seem to have let go of the concept of fasting.

I learned it as a young believer and practiced it in various forms for years. I used partial fasts, fasting from specific things including non-food items (like television) and have been blessed. One fast long ago led to my family being uprooted from Ohio to Texas.

My church has a 21-day fast at the beginning of the year and our prayer team focus this month is fasting. I am so grateful for the reminder. It was as if there just was no longer time to think about fasting and I had just abandoned the tool. Can you imagine a plumber working without a pipe wrench or a carpenter not using a saw? That’s what not using fasting is like for a believer. It’s purpose is to hear God more clearly and I have experienced that in the past. I used to fast every Sunday morning before services and it helped me focus on what God was saying to me.

So, I need to review the material and get back to doing it regularly. I did a mini fast today and was blessed. I will be seeking God’s plan for fasting for me with my current schedule and I know He will be faithful to show me what, when and for how long. Humility and the discipline of self-denial always produce blessings. I look forward to taking up this tool again so that I will bear more and better fruit.

Do you fast? What form does it take and how often?

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