Wrestling with God for 2014

Each New Year’s Day, I ask God for a scripture that captures what He wants to teach me during the coming year. He has not failed to give me direction for more years than I remember. I finally started printing a copy of the scripture and keep them, reviewing them periodically.

This year, I had an idea about what He wanted to say to me. But I didn’t have peace about it. The scripture I was thinking of relied on me to act on it and that’s not what He wants me to learn. I was wrestling with what it was to be. I’d sought out what I was thinking, copied several versions into a document but could not press the print button. I’ve learned when I have no peace to wait until I do. When I sat down to do my morning time seeking God’s face, I believe He instructed me to read over some faith promises I speak over myself and my family each day. One caught my eye and I looked up the associated scripture. There it was, what He wants me to learn.

Ps 138:8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy {and} loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever–forsake not the works of Your own hands. AMP

I understood as I read that my own efforts have always failed me. My personality is to fix things, to go do what is necessary and to get it done. NOW!!! I have had to spend time my entire Christian life learning patience and trusting God’s timing and this year is to be a new, deeper level of learning that lesson. I also need a deeper level of understanding that I am truly the work of His hands. I must cooperate with Him but the changes in my life need to originate with Him, not me. Indeed, I have definitely not arrived, as the saying goes. I am still a work in progress and I need to learn better how to let Him give the direction as to how His changes are accomplished in and through me. I have never been one for resolutions but I believe I will learn to document God’s goals for me and my life in a new way this year. Then, His work will be seen and He will get the credit and glory for what He does, not me. I am excited that I will get to give Him worship, praise and adoration for His work as I cooperate with what He instructs me to do.

Have you made resolutions for yourself for the New Year? Did you seek God about them?

QuickBible Amplified Copyright (c) 2000 by The Lockman Foundation

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