Thank you Michael Hyatt

Mountain Cave Los Alamos, New Mexico Photo by vihelm
Mountain Cave Los Alamos, New Mexico
Photo by vihelm

I wouldn’t be doing this today without your book “Platform.” My older son loaned it to me and I still haven’t given it back. I need to buy my own copy.

Michael Hyatt wrote the blueprint I’m following for getting my writing online. This blog exists because he wrote down what he knew and got it published.

I am very grateful and thankful that he did.

I tried to publish what God had taught me about making time for Him online when it took money to get noticed.  Now it is easier to be found online because social media can start spreading the news and search engines like Google and Bing make it easier to be found.

My goal of helping other believers make time to spend with God will come to pass.

And Michael Hyatt’s book and website along with Word Press and Blue Host have helped me get started in a way that’s more professional than I could have done on my own.

This post is in response to various questions about how I did it.

The site I went to for help starting was this blog post by Michael Hyatt:

The link for his book “Platform”:

I am still working my way through the book and still have steps to complete before I feel I’ve done all I need to do. But Michael Hyatt’s expertise has made it so much easier than when I tried to do it alone the last time.

Thanks again Michael.

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