Whom do I call Father?

I attend church on Saturday nights. Often as I leave, I find God has something He wants to tell me in regards to the message. Sometimes it’s a word to share with someone else. Other times it’s to confirm something for me.

This week it was the latter.

The fatherhood of God was one focus of the message. My earthly father chose a selfish lifestyle early. Even before I was born (I’m the eldest child in my family), he put his desires above the needs of others, including his wife.

I have written about how that has tainted my view of God my heavenly Father. Jesus’ sacrifice I could accept; the Holy Spirit’s indwelling has been proven true and real over and over again. It seemed I could not get over the tainted image of father that I saw lived out in the flesh before my eyes.

As I left church, I heard clearly “I am your Father” but not in the tenor of the movie version Star Wars fans have heard so often.

The meanings ran through my mind, emphasizing words differently each time. First, “I” meant instead of anyone else. Then “I AM” meant who He is. Then “Father” was loving, sweet and kind, with a promise of faithfulness I have experienced only rarely and only from Him and through examples of earthly fathers other than my own.

For the first time in my truck I could call him Abba, which means Daddy, and mean it.

He is changing so much about me and how I know and view God. I am so grateful for His faithfulness to not leave me as He found me. Another level of pain and self-protection slipped away, I believe never to return.

2 Cor 3:18 And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His {very own} image in ever increasing splendor {and} from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. AMP


QuickBible Amplified. Copyright (c) 2000 by The Lockman Foundation

2 Replies to “Whom do I call Father?”

  1. As I re-read this blog message, I was again touched by the truth of us calling Him, “Father.” It is true that even though I past consist of questionable circumstances regarding our earthly father, the present knowing of who I “Real” Father is, becomes more and more real to us (our spirit). Peg, you are a blessing and your truth regarding how God is guiding and leading you is beautiful and always inspirational to read and inhale. I do know that as God lead us, He only lead us to the truth and you are correct, He will never fail us.

    Love you so much and greatly appreciate what God is doing in and to you.


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