
1 Pet 5:7 Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately {and} cares about you watchfully. AMP

I need to learn what this means. I know worry starts with a thought or feeling of uncertainty about the future. But the root of worry for me begins with the past.

I suffered what seemed to be a minor injury, a broken tooth, when I was 9. I was jumping rope at school on an incline. My feet slipped on some gravel and I fell forward, breaking of one of my front teeth.

My tooth lived but my father never found the means to have it fixed despite having the money to keep up with his social life (which did not include his family). My mother was able to get it fixed almost 11 years later when I was a college student and could go to the dental school for care.

In those intervening years, I felt less attractive, didn’t like my smile and, with his near-abandonment when I was 13, did not have what I needed to be part of my social circle. I ate and had a roof over my head but many things were lacking.

Later in life, a credit card was necessary to do car repairs, make major purchases, etc. The savings account would be empty when I went to transfer funds to cover out of the ordinary expenses. Other priorities robbed us of our ability to stay out of debt.

So my past has colored my vision of the future. I have forgiven but I need to cast my cares once and for all. I am thanking God for the grace to do it this week.

QuickBible Amplified, Copyright 2000 by The Lockman Foundation

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