
“You may not see anything happening, but you can be assured that Almighty God is not only aware, He is at work. He already has the solution.”  Joel Osteen

I need a new, deeper level of trust in God. Challenges faced by me and people I care about require it.

My past has continued to color my view of God’s ability to provide for my needs and the needs of those I love. People who were significant in my life did not live up to their responsibilities and I have suffered because of it. I have forgiven them but this tinge of abandonment colors my view of God.

As I write this, I have a view of rose-colored glasses. To me that has always been how my heavenly father views me, through the blood of Jesus.

Perhaps it’s time for me to look through those glasses at God, not because He needs the Blood but because I need it to cleanse and purify my spiritual vision.

Has anyone else had this issue? If so, how has God healed/delivered you?

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