
Writing is hard work. And it is my work. Doing nonfiction is challenging but something I have in progress is even harder:  A piece of fiction based on a book of the Bible, the Song of Solomon.

Years and years ago, I did a study of this story and was blown away by its depth. It has more layers than a stack cake, an Appalachian mountain recipe.

And it changed my relationship with God, bringing me to a greater understanding of the depth of his love for me, each believer and the church as a whole.

I also believe I saw something in the story that I had not heard expressed before and God planted a seed about telling that story from a new perspective.

I asked a friend to look at what I’ve written so far. She made some good suggestions but I need time to go over it all again and then continue. I have also realized there is a piece missing in the middle of the story that I MUST deal with or it just will not be complete.

My issue is when? My workday schedule with commute runs from midmorning to early evening and leaves enough time for prayer, meals, sleep, a little relaxation and not much else.

My vision for this story is that people, especially young women, will look at the Song of Solomon in a new way. My hope is it will teach them to value how God brings a woman to her husband.

My dream right now is to have the resources to complete this work and go on to others. I believe that God planted that dream in my heart and will bring it to completion. I am waiting in great anticipation of His full answer. In the meantime, I will open that file at every opportunity and do a little bit as I can. One word at time, one page at a time, and it will be finished.

If you have something you’re working on whether writing or crafting, how do you make time for it?


I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brand, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trace Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising.”

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